Winspace Planning Documents

This page provides all the information which was provided to North Somerset Council for Planning. Since then we have had to develop a phased approach to the redevelopment. However the information here is still our approved planning.

All the documents we have submitted to North Somerset Planning Departments are listed below.

To help you navigate the page, we have placed the documents into sections. If you click on each of the section titles or use the drop down menu.

When our application is loaded onto the Planning Portal, the number will be 21/P/1037/FUL.

Documents which provide an overview of the redevelopment of the community centre including the Design and Access Statement

Documents which provide the overall plans for the site including how the site is currently arranged

Documents which show how the buildings look from different elevations or directions

Documents which show the proposed layout of the rooms in the building on each of the floors

WCA owned documents providing the business plans for the building and ongoing usage

Specialist reports from consultants such as Ecology and Tree Protection