Go WiNSpace 24

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Our Phased Approach
Phase One:– Replace the Youth Club and Art Shed with our originally proposed two storey building but utilising the 1st floor space, providing:

  • An Event function space on the 1st Floor with stairs and lift access. (roughly twice the size of current main hall)
  • An Activity Space on the ground floor (slightly smaller than current main hall)
  • A Dividable Meeting Space (half the size of current main hall)
  • Office space(s) on the 1st Floor
  • A fully equipped catering kitchen
  • A large foyer and patio area
  • Retention of the field with biodiversity enhancements

Phase Two:– Refurbish the old school with a focus on Youth and Arts and removing the Annexe
Future:– When the Parish requires it and has the finances, build the large hall along with the addition carparking

Below you can read the planning decision notice which allow us to redevelop the community centre in phases as funding become available

24/P/0759/FUL | Variation of conditions 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 and 18 of permission 21/P/1037/FUL – Decision Notice

Project Plans

Quarter 3 2023Revise building design, Apply for national and local grants, Request donations, Communicate plan to Parish
Quarter 4 2023Sell Assets, Start Tender Process, Parish Council Loan & Grants, Detail Design
Quarter 1 2024Finalise Design, Select Construction Company, Obtain Building Approval, More grants applications, Plan construction phase1
Quarter 2 2024Sign build contacts, Start moving out, Site prep, Obtain final financial support
Quarter 3 2024Remove Youth Club & Art Shed, Finalise building plans & H&S, Start building, Start Grant application for old school refurbish
Quarter 4
2024 to
Quarter 2 2025
Continue Build process with a planned move in date of Early Summer 2025. Once compete, refurbishment of Old School will start.
Overall Plan

Current Completed layout of site