Go WiNSpace 24

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Our Phased Approach
Phase One:– Replace the Youth Club and Art Shed with our originally proposed two storey building but utilising the 1st floor space, providing:

  • An Event function space on the 1st Floor with stairs and lift access. (roughly twice the size of current main hall)
  • An Activity Space on the ground floor (slightly smaller than current main hall)
  • A Dividable Meeting Space (half the size of current main hall)
  • Office space(s) on the 1st Floor
  • A fully equipped catering kitchen
  • A large foyer and patio area
  • Retention of the field with biodiversity enhancements

Phase Two:– Refurbish the old school with a focus on Youth and Arts and removing the Annexe
Future:– When the Parish requires it and has the finances, build the large hall along with the addition carparking

Project Plans

Quarter 3 2023Revise building design, Apply for national and local grants, Request donations, Communicate plan to Parish
Quarter 4 2023Sell Assets, Start Tender Process, Parish Council Loan & Grants, Detail Design
Quarter 1 2024Finalise Design, Select Construction Company, Obtain Building Approval, More grants applications, Plan construction phase1
Quarter 2 2024Sign build contacts, Start moving out, Site prep, Obtain final financial support
Quarter 3 2024Remove Youth Club & Art Shed, Finalise building plans & H&S, Start building, Start Grant application for old school refurbish
Quarter 4
2024 to
Quarter 2 2025
Continue Build process with a planned move in date of Early Summer 2025. Once compete, refurbishment of Old School will start.
Overall Plan

Current Completed layout of site