Go WiNSpace 25 – Our Funders

The WiNSpace Project team and WCA Trustees would like to thank all our donors, supporters, sponsors and grant providers without whom the project could never have started.

Current Funding Gap is:
Are You able to help?

Please go to our Donation Page

Category of GivingAmount £Recognition
Partner£75,000+Partner acknowledgement on all major funding  literature, alongside Lottery and Levelling Up fund. Seat at the table for input on room naming. Logo displayed prominently with other Partners in New Build for at least 10 years. Sponsors use of our WCA logo
Sponsor-level 1£25,000  to £75,000Recognised, for at least 10 years as Sponsor on website and on physical feature with logo (if appropriate) in new centre. Work with you to attribute a particular part of the build that aligns with your values, to the sponsorship eg solar. Sponsors use of our WCA logo .  The logo on our website can be linked to a page on your website
Sponsor- level 2£5,000  to  £25,000Recognised, for at least 10 years as Sponsor on website and on physical feature with logo (if appropriate) in new centre. Sponsors use of our WCA logo
Supporters£1000 to £5000Recognised, for at least 10 years as Supporter on website and on physical feature in new centre
Donors£100 to £1000Recognised on our web-site as a Donor for at least 10 years
Below £100Individual acknowledgement provided if email details known.

The following Companies, Individuals and Supporters are making it happen

£300,000 has been granted from the Community Ownership Fund

£200,000 has been granted from the National Lottery Community Fund

Thatchers Foundation has pledged £50,000 to help us build our new community building.
As the largest employer in the area Thatchers were keen to help us in creating a valuable community asset that will benefit all the residents of Winscombe, Sandford and surrounding area.

Enovert Community Trust have provided a £50,000 grant to WiNSpace. This grant was specifically granted toward the ventilation and heat recovery system in our 1st Floor Event Space

Weston Garfield Foundation have provided a grant of £30,000 to the WiNSpace project

National Grid Community Fund provided £20,000 for our initial Architectural work for WiNSpace’s planning application

Redrow Homes are providing £387,000 from their S106 requirement for building the Woodborough Farm housing estate

Winscombe and Sandford Parish Council have supported the WiNSpace project from it’s concept. The WiNSpace project has requested from the Parish Council a Grant of £250,000 and also to help facilitate a loan to us of £250,000

North Somerset Council have supported the WiNSpace project by facilitating the S106 funding from Redrow Homes. We also thank the Winscombe and Sandford Parish Council in recommending this award to North Somerset

The Megawatt Fund, via the Quartet Community Foundation have provided a £4,000 grant toward Car Charging points

Monies raised by the WCA Fund Raising group and from our own capital reserves. The money amounting to around £150,000 has been provided by the local residents and users of the Winscombe Community Centre over the years since it opened it’s door in 1981

A key part of our funding has come from local donors. We can’t thank those individuals enough, without whose support the project would not be where it is today