Thatchers Foundation pledges £50,000

We are delighted to announce that the Thatchers Foundation has pledged £50,000 to help us build our new community building.

As the largest employer in the area Thatchers were keen to help us in creating a valuable community asset that will benefit all the residents of Winscombe, Sandford and surrounding areas. The Trustees of the Thatchers Foundation have reviewed our plans and were impressed with the efforts the WiNSpace team have made with fundraising and in the design of a modern, energy efficient building that will serve the needs of our community for many years to come. The WCA Trustees & WiNSpace team are very appreciative of this support which makes Thatchers one of our larger sponsors. This donation will allow us to improve the specification of the project, and the WCA will recognise the contribution in a permanent way in the new building.

The WCA Trustees & WiNSpace team are very appreciative of this support which makes Thatchers one of our larger sponsors. This donation will allow us to improve the specification of the project, and the WCA will recognise the contribution in a permanent way in the new building